Monday, August 24, 2020
Attila Jozsefs Oedipus Complex Revealed Through H Essays
Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through H Essays Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through His Escapes From Reality Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through His Escapes From Reality Getting away from the truth is expected to compose openly and innovatively. Jozsef continually gets away from the real world and composes delightful sonnets. In his departures, he acts like a dad figure. He expounds on how he misses his mom's adoration and longs for his mom explicitly. He gets steamed and even distraught on the grounds that she isn't there for him. From his departures we can mentally confirm that Jozsef has an Oedipus complex. A factor of the Oedipus complex is for the kid to be to his mom as his dad seems to be. Jozsef uncovers this in his sonnets by attempting to be the man of the house. Bringing home food is a case of what the man of the house does. Bring you potatoes, chicken, and a sack of millet (Jozsef 33). This was something Jozsef does to emulate his dad. From the primary lines in the sonnet called Eulogy, he shows his longing for his mom's warmth and nearness. I ignite with a fever of ninety-eight point six degrees and mother you wont even medical caretaker me (33). Jozsef's mom pastries him so early that he never gets an opportunity to out develop the puerile requirement for a mother. He flashes back at the manner in which she rewarded him. You warmed my soup, blew it, and mixed it. What's more, said eat and develop tall, my affection (33). Like a youngster he wants for her to be there to solace and cause him to feel safe. The primary thought of the Oedipus complex is that the kid needs his mom in a sexual manner. Jozsef fantasies of her like a kid with a squash. I attempt to sort you out, from harvest time scenes and a ton of ladies (33) Jozsef pictures her as his dream lady. I wear a squeezed suit in my heart when I address you (62). He envisions sprucing up to dazzle her. I mustn't think about your before my work is done, your dancing.(62) He can't get his brain of her and dreams her moving. These are methods of demonstrating the amount you love and miss your new sweetheart, however not your mom. Jozsef composes, You took it structure me, and gave yourself and your bosoms to the worms I ought to have eaten you(33), He desires for her explicitly. He uncovers the tolerant of his mom's demise, and not having the option to satisfy his wants. Presently you lips taste just the dampness(33) He needs her lips to taste his. It can't be, so like every single envious darling he blows up. His indignation is a result of her passing. She made himextremely upset, never permitting his dreams to be satisfied. You used to comfort me and chide me, yet I see realize that your words were all lies Your lips taste just the sogginess you deceived me on purpose(33). He gets disillusional by speculation he can in any case get back to her and she will hear him. It's been five weeks, I don't have the foggiest idea where you are.(62) I fell like reviling you, mamma, I cannot hear you, shout at me You're awful! You endeavor not to be, you ruin all that you shadow.(34) His annoyance and Jealous wraths are an understanding to his affection for her. In his getaways from reality Jozsef endeavors to assume his dads position. Uncovering the extreme sentiments he has for his mom's adoration and his sexual want for her. He experiences all the phases that an individual experiences when something sad occurs: Denial, outrage, lastly acknowledgment. Jozsef's sonnets are extraordinary on the grounds that he has such a great amount of feeling behind them. His sonnets to uncover the truth of his wants, which is the reason we can assume his complex. Book index About atilla jozsef's inward considerations
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Racism free essay sample
This paper centers around the lives of a gathering of young ladies living in a periurban network outside of Maputo, Mozambique. Utilizing participatory philosophies, we hear straightforwardly from the young ladies the impacting job sex and culture has in keeping young ladies from getting to a higher caliber of life. Perceptibly missing in young ladies and neediness related exchange are the voices of young ladies living with destitution, just as the principal job of sexual orientation disparity and culture according to the chance and limit of young ladies getting noticeable, having voice and organization and eventually leaving an existence of destitution. BIO Dr. Zainul Sajan Virgi’s investigate is situated in Maputo, Mozambique where she is concentrating on the lives of powerless pre-immature and juvenile young ladies and the opportunities for getting to a higher caliber of life â€Å"as seen through their eyes†. Zainul is the primary beneficiary of the Jackie Kirk Fellowship in Education. Zainul has filled in as a network/global advancement master in Canada, Mozambique,Tanzania, and India. We will compose a custom exposition test on Prejudice or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page She has used her exploration abilities and made an interpretation of the results into proposals which have been executed effectively by governments, non-benefit associations, just as benefactor organizations. â€Å"Children, especially young ladies, keep on acquiring family destitution. This cycle must be broken. †UNESCO, 2003 p. 5 INTRODUCTION Childhood destitution is a reality in all aspects of the world. Today, one billion youngsters all around live with neediness (HDR, 2012). Of which 30 million kids live in relative neediness in 35 of the world’s most extravagant nations (UNICEF, 2012). Annihilating destitution and specifically girlhood neediness has been a subtle objective. In 1948, governments, choices producers, benefactors and NGOs initially dedicated to destroying neediness by embracing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (OHCHR). An increasingly coordinated exertion was made towards wiping out youth neediness with the reception of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989. The CRC was intended to secure the kid and guarantee that s/he had the option to get to a higher caliber of life. In September 2000, the biggest social occasion of world pioneers in history affirmed the UN Millennium Declaration which included as one of its key objectives, the destruction of destitution and appetite by 2015 (MDG site). With concentrated consideration on destitution that started 64 years prior, some advancement has been made, anyway much work stays as supported by the accompanying insights. One billion youngsters or 1 in each 7 people keep on being denied of at least one fundamental administrations for endurance. 1. 1 million youngsters don't go to grade school (UNICEF, 2010). 640 million kids are living without satisfactory asylum; 400 million kids don't approach safe water, 270 million kids don't approach wellbeing administrations. 10. 6 million youngsters kicked the bucket before they arrived at the age of 5 of every 2003; around 29,000 kids for each day (Shah, 2010). An expected 60 percent of the incessantly ravenous are ladies and young ladies and 20 percent are youngsters younger than five (WFP, 2009). Why Girlhood Poverty? A wide group of various research in the fields of human studies, formative brain science, medication, social science, and instruction (Shonkoff, 2009; UNICEF, 2008) all underscore the significance of improvement during the early long periods of youth according to the development of insight, character, and social conduct (Farah et al. , 2006; Brown Pollitt, 1996; Winick Rosso, 1969). The impacts of disregard during the early long stretches of life can be aggregate and enduring (UNICEF, 2008). There has additionally been a call since the late 1990s for inquire about with young ladies and young men that draws in their voices, especially during their initial pre-adult years. Cannella (1998), for instance, noticed that â€Å"the most basic voices that are quiet in our developments of youth training are the kids with whom we work. Our developments of research have not encouraged strategies that encourage hearing their voices†(Cannella, 1998, p. 10). I would include that the voices explicitly of youthful juvenile young ladies are outstandingly missing comparable to neediness, sexual orientation imbalance and the effects of social and social standards in their lives. Taking into account that 70% of those named poor on the planet are ladies (UN WOMEN), I assumed that young ladies living with neediness must face unexpected difficulties in comparison to those 3 xperienced by young men in progressing out of an existence of destitution. In assessing information relating to youth neediness utilized by driving associations, for example, UNICEF, I noticed that not all information relating to kids when all is said in done had been disaggregated by sex or age. Without sex and age disaggregated information, the insights introduced appear to give the feeling that young ladies and young men of any age experience destitution in comparable manners. In any case, UNICEF demonstrates that there is as yet a fragmented comprehension of how destitution explicitly impacts young ladies. There is likewise restricted research which investigates the connection between youth destitution and girlhood (Delamonica et al. , 2006). Neediness examine as observed through the eyes of young ladies would feature a blend of components including sex disparity, social impacts, absence of property and land rights; lower status; absence of dynamic capacity; conflicting access to essential rights including access to clean drinking water, sanitation, heath care and quality instruction, upward portability work; constrained capacity to shield oneself from physical and sexual brutality (UN WOMEN). Why Use Participatory Methodologies? In the event that we start with the reason that the ultimate objective is to create powerful approaches that will address different genuine issues looked by young ladies living with wretched destitution, at that point a basic initial step is to draw in young ladies for whom the strategies would have an immediate effect and for whom neediness is a personal reality. The subsequent advance is to create space for them to fundamentally think about their past, present and future lives. Space is expected to tune in to their thoughts for arrangements that could change individual and network difficulties into qualities. Space is additionally essential to gain legitimately from the young ladies the teps required that would prompt powerful and significant improvement in their personal satisfaction. All things considered, making of information is the sign of strengthening. Various research contemplates have recognized the basic job of compelling cooperation which prompts some type of strengtheni ng. It additionally brings about a progressively equivalent sharing of intensity between the individuals who approach power and the individuals who are customarily banished from having power (Nelson Wright 1995). Predominant accounts in numerous social orders all through the world hold the view that kids can't take an interest in settling on significant choices that influence them. Young ladies, particularly young ladies living with destitution are regularly not counseled or even requested to take an interest in common society, nor in inquire about their lives. Testing that point of view is the strengthening approach which urges us to â€Å"question these prevailing accounts and to search out elective stories that challenge suppositions about children’s capacities†(Rappaport, 2000, p. 5). Another developing territory of researchâ€the human science of childhood†pokes us to tune in to children’s points of view and view kids as specialists in their own lives. Children’s aptitude can be developed by showing them explicit abilities. Taking an interest in inquire about, for instance, can assist them with dealing with the assets that influence their lives. Kids, accordingly, can become advocates for themselves as well as other people (Langhout Thomas, 2010, p. 64). 4 Participatory research has extraordinary potential for minimized young ladies, who are regularly quieted, to build up a feeling of self by offering their novel point of view on their lives, network, difficulties and qualities. What's more, during the time spent taking an interest in participatory research, they can possibly become pioneers inside their own networks (Mathews et al. , 2010). The Case of Mozambique is a nation that has been formed by war, battle and different belief systems which has brought about its constrained progress from being the least fortunate to the fifth most unfortunate nation on the planet (UNDP 2010). Culture assumes an impacting job on choices made by governments and the arrangements they decide to help (Sen, 2004). Mozambique is an authoritative man centric or male-commanded culture. The Portuguese colonizers for more than 400 years additionally fortified male matchless quality in Mozambique (Stoler, 1995). The blend of culture, contrasting belief systems and significant stretches of war has directly affected two basic parts in Mozambique †wellbeing and training. For instance, during 15 years of outfitted clash among FRELIMO and RENAMO, open foundation was purposely focused, with schools and educators specifically being singled out (UNICEF, 2006) alongside specialists (Finnegan, 1992). Altogether, harm was evaluated at $20 million (Hanlon, 2010), an amazing sum for a devastated nation. The consolidated human and monetary misfortunes left Mozambique with minimal decision yet to go to the universal network for expanding budgetary help. Mozambique’s expanding money related reliance prompted the neo-colonization of Mozambique, this time by South Africa and the West. The various types of mastery likewise prompted expanding impact by outsiders on Mozambique’s arrangements, including wellbeing, instruction and the utilization of remote assets (Paraskeva, 2006; Sousa Santos, 2002). At present, Mozambique is viewed as the eighth most giver subordinate nation on the planet (de Renzio Hanlon, 2007). The help is constrained to monetary and doesn't satisfactorily address sexual orientation, culture, destitution or limit building issue
Monday, July 20, 2020
Social Media and Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Media and Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Social Media and Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on January 14, 2020 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Social media use is becoming more commonplace, even among those with social anxiety disorder (SAD). This begs the questionâ€"are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms helpful or not for those who live with social anxiety? The answer to this question does not appear simple and may depend on how you use those channels of communication, what role they play in your life, and perhaps even your tendency toward addiction.?? Some of the benefits and disadvantages of social media for people with social anxiety are the same as those for those without the disorder. Below is a quick comparison of how social networks might be helping, or hurting, those with SAD. Benefits Social media isnt all bad. In fact: Social networking sites may help those with social anxiety to more easily initiate and establish social connections.These sites may make it easier for some with social anxiety disorder to become involved in connecting with others, when transportation, isolation, or fear of leaving the house is an issue.Individuals may experience less anxiety when interacting online versus offline, allowing them to practice social skills in what feels to be a safer environment.??Social networking sites may provide an outlet for those with social anxiety disorder to share how they are feeling (on sites like Tumblr). Platforms that allow for anonymous blogging may allow those with social anxiety to feel less alone and look at their situation in a more light-hearted way (such as by viewing silly memes like the Socially Awkward Penguin series. Pros Easier to connect with others, especially if you fear leaving the house Safe space to practice social skills Extra support from others living with social anxiety disorder Outlet for sharing your feelings Cons Weaker friendships than those built in real-life Risk of feeling left out or inadequate Increased risk of stress, depression, and Internet addiction Potential disruptions in sleep patterns Disadvantages While there are advantages, there are a few disadvantages to consider as well. On sites such as Facebook, it is often expected that users will become friends with people that they know in real life. People with social anxiety may, therefore, have fewer connections or trouble meeting new people.?Individuals with social anxiety who have low self-esteem may express themselves in ways that are not appealing to others, making others less drawn to connecting with them.Friendships built mostly on social platforms may be weaker than those that have had a chance to develop in real life and lead to less actual bonding.Seeing all of the great things your Facebook or Twitter friends are posting about may make you feel left out or inadequate.?? Same thing for seeing how many likes or comments others get on their posts compared to your own.For those with social anxiety who feel more comfortable behind a computer screen, there may be a tendency to rely too much on social networking sites to the exclusion of trying to make real-world connections.Social networking sites may mak e you think about all the things you dont have in your life (i.e., a partner, children, job).Constant use of social networking sites may increase stressâ€"especially if you feel the need to be constantly connected to the online world.Use of social networking sites has the potential to make mental health issues worsen. If you are at risk for other issues such as depression and addiction, this can be particularly problematic.Staying up late to use social media could lead to problems falling asleepâ€"and lack of sleep may lead to worsened feelings of anxiety or even depression.Finding out too much about someone before meeting that person (by stalking their social networking accounts) could actually lead to increased social anxiety when you finally meet up with that person in real life. People with social anxiety disorder may be at risk for Internet addiction disorder (IA).?? In general, both positive and negative correlations were found between the use of social networking sites and mental wellness.Negative interactions and social comparisons on social networking sites were related to higher levels of anxiety.However, displays of social support and social connectedness on social networking sites were related to lower levels of anxiety. In addition, the use of social networking sites was related to lower levels of loneliness, and higher levels of self-esteem and satisfaction with life.?? 4 Surefire Signs of an Internet Addiction Findings Related to Social Anxiety Disorder Overall, the findings of the meta-analysis suggest that use of social networking sites may have both benefits and detractors for those with social anxiety disorderâ€"a lot may depend on the individuals and how the sites are used. However, a review study found that most previous research was based on self-reported data and cross-sectional (at one point in time).?? Specifically, studies suggested that: People with social anxiety disorder were more likely to engage in passive use of Facebook (looking at other peoples profiles) and less likely to engage in content production (posting, commenting, etc.).People who brood or engage in anxious rumination may be more at risk for their social anxiety becoming worse when they use Facebook passively. For example, if you sit at home all day reading other peoples Facebook posts, not posting anything of your own, not commenting on anyone elses status, your social anxiety may worsen.People may be able to tell on social networking sites that you have social anxiety because of how you interact. Examples include being relatively inactive or withdrawn in your interactions.In general, people with social anxiety are less likely to be users of Facebook but more likely to be users of micro-blogging sites such as Tumblr or Myspace. (This may be because it provides an outlet to share feelings in a non-threatening atmosphere.)People with social anxiety do not appear to be more likely to post negative content on social networking sites. However, whether you post positive or negative materials relates to how others respond to you. Positive updates are related to increased likes while negative material results in lower positive feedback.People with social anxiety may receive more positive supportive comments from social networking friends and fewer negative interactions. This social support may play a protective role if you have high levels of social anxiety, leading to greater feelings of well-being. Where to Find Support Groups for Social Anxiety Disorder Research on Social Media Use and Mental Disorders A meta-analysis of studies about social networking sites and mental illness was conducted between 2005 and 2016.?? More research needs to be conducted using real-time data (people reporting on their actual social networking behavior over a period of time). 10 Tips for Smart Social Media Use When You Have SAD Be mindful of the tone of what you share or comment. Staying positive and open is more likely to encourage others to interact with you than negativity or complaints. Balance time that you spend online with time spent in real-world connections. Or, use the time that you connect online to plan events in the real world. Practice mindfulness to become aware of your surroundings to prevent social networking from swallowing up your whole day.?? Sign up for meetup groups or join groups with people who have similar interests or hobbies to yours. This can be particularly helpful if you have a very limited social circle in real life and want to use social networking to increase your connections. Remember that what you see on social networking sites is not necessarily a true representation of the lives of people you know. Some people only share the positive, others may only share the negativeâ€"try not to compare or think about what others have that you dont. Use other peoples social media profiles to get to know people ahead of meeting them, when they are on their way to becoming your friend. At the same time, dont obsess or spend too much time doing this, or it may backfire. If you are going to use social networking sites, try not to be a passive user. Dont spend hours looking over other peoples posts without sharing anything about yourself. Take advantage of the extra social support you may receive from your friends on social networking sites. Particularly if you have higher levels of social anxiety, this support may help to improve your feelings of well-being. Moderate your use. Use social networking as a reward for getting other things done in the real world, to prevent yourself from falling into an addictive pattern. Have a detached relationship to social networking. Recognize its strengths and weaknesses and never rely on it as your only means of communication. A Word From Verywell Think about how social media has served you so far. Do you feel more connected as a result of your time spent online, or less connected? Make a list of three steps you can take toward positive change. Yours will be different, but an example might be the following: Only check social networking sites twice per day.Share something positive or leave a positive comment at least once per week.Join a group with like interests that have regular meetups in the real world. The 8 Best Online Therapy Programs
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Learn About Common Cores IEP Math Goals
The IEP math goals below are aligned to the Common Core State Standards, and are designed in a progressive manner: once the top numeration goals are met, your students should be moving on through these goals and onto the intermediate grade goals. The goals that are printed come directly from the site created by the Council of Chief State School Officers, and adopted by 42 states, the American Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia. Feel free to copy and paste these suggested goals into your IEP documents. Johnny Student is listed where your students name belongs. Counting and Cardinality Students need to be able to count to 100 by ones. IEP goals in this area include examples such as: When given numbers representing numerals between one and 10, Johnny Student will order and name the numbers in the correct order, for eight out of 10 numbers with 80 percent accuracy in three of four consecutive trials.When given a hundred chart with 20 of the number blocks blank, Johnny Student will write the correct numbers in the blanks for 16 of 20 blanks (demonstrating 80 percent accuracy) in three of four consecutive trials. Counting Forward Students need to be able to count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at one). Some possible goals in this area include: When given a card with a number between one and 20, Johnny Student will count up five numbers from the number on the card, with 80 percent accuracy in three out of four consecutive trials.When given written sequences of numbers (such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) with five blanks, Johnny Student will correctly write the numbers in the five blanks, with 80 percent accuracy in three out of four consecutive trials. Writing Numbers to 20 Students should be able to write numbers from zero to 20 and also represent a number of objects with a written numeral (0 to 20). This skill is often referred to as one-to-one correspondence where a student demonstrates an understanding that a set or array of objects is represented by a particular number. Some possible goals in this area might read: When given 10 picture arrays representing numbers between one and 10, Johnny Student will correctly write the corresponding number in the accompanying box (on the accompanying line) for eight of 10 numbers (showing 80 percent) in three of four consecutive trials.When given an array of counters and a set of number cards from one to 10, Johnny Student will find the corresponding number and lay it next to the array with 80 percent accuracy in three out of four consecutive trials. Understanding Relationships Between Numbers Students need to understand the relationship between numbers and quantities. Goals in this area might include: When given a template with 10 squares, and presented with counters in varied arrays from one to 10, Johnny Student will count aloud, naming each counter as it is placed in a square with 80 percent accuracy in three out of four consecutive trials.When given an array of counters from one to 20, Johnny Student will count the counters and answer the question, How many did you count? with 80 percent accuracy in three out of four consecutive trials.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Global Warming And Climate Change - 992 Words
Global Warming What is Global warming? Global warming is the increased heating of Earth s surface, oceans and atmosphere; generally associated to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Global warming is a highly controversial and debated topic. Global warming has become a threat to everyone and everything on Earth. Can we do anything to slow it down? Can we reverse the damage we ve created? We live our lives only thinking about the issues that we face on a daily basis and only focus on the issues that our going on in the environment around us. We neglect to see what s happening around the world. Snowcapped mountains and Artic sea ice is disappearing. Sea levels are rising and oceans are getting warmer. Scientists have been conducting experiments hoping to find solutions. Scientists have warned and urged the need for change. Films, such as Al Gore’s â€Å"The Inconvenient Truth†and Leonardo’s DiCaprio â€Å"Before the Flood†have raised international public awareness on climate change. I believe human activity, like deforestation and the emissions of fossil fuels have made global warming an increasing danger to our climate, communities, and health. Scientific researchers have recorded sea levels rising at least 0.14 inches per year since the early 1990s. Tidal floods have become more frequent in the East Coast; studies show that flooding frequencies have quadrupled in frequency since 1970. HigherShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words  | 4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words  | 4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change†or â€Å"greenhouse effect†have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words  | 5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words  | 5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words  | 6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog†became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words  | 7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and
Possible Extra Terrestrial Life Free Essays
Benjamin Hastings April 10, 2013 Did Someone Move in Down the Street? An Exploration of Possible Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe, Perhaps Our Own System Other life in the universe just makes sense. Think about it, there are trillions of other stars in existence in our universe, and most of those stars have satellites, and those satellites have satellites. There are literally hundreds of trillions, if not more, planets or planet-sized satellites orbiting stars. We will write a custom essay sample on Possible Extra Terrestrial Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now To think that none of these could have life on them is just to be naive. If it happened to our planet, out of hundreds of trillions of them out there, it can happen to another, and another. We can’t be alone; distant, maybe, but alone is just too far-fetched a theory. Belief in extraterrestrial life dates back quite far, even back to ancient society. â€Å"Regarding the existence of other worlds, the ancients of both Greece and rome were deeply divided. Arguing affirmative were the Epicureans, so called after Epicurus (341-270 B. C. ), who developed certain ideas that had originated with Democritus and Leucippus two centuries earlier. Among the theories that we today consider most modern are†¦ hat life exists elsewhere in the universe†¦ Modern though these ideas may seem to us, they all indisputably date from antiquity†¦ †(Crowe- 3) We aren’t the first people to think that life must exist elsewhere, we’ve simply brought the thought back into popularity. But where could life be sustained? Bacteria have been obser ved to endure extreme conditions â€Å"in environments with very high or low temperature and where conditions are very acidic or very alkaline. †(Fix) Principles such as this suggest that â€Å"the search for life in the solar system should not be confined to the most benign environments. (Fix) Research and discoveries by Dr. Gene D. McDonald in Siberian permafrost showed that â€Å"single-celled organisms such as bacteria, archaeans, and fungi repair cellular damage for tens of thousands of years – and perhaps many times longerâ€â€after being frozen solid. †(Hart) This is incredible when considering the damage the organisms sustain while being frozen; â€Å"even when all life processes appear to have stopped, processes that affect life do not. Organisms frozen in soil continue to be bombarded by radiation from elements within the soil itself. And at any temperature above absolute zero, all molecules vibrate a little. Thus, cells’ DNA and other important molecules continue to sustain life-threatening damage. For organisms to remain viable for long periods of time, they must somehow maintain a minimal level of molecular repair. †(Hart) A breakthrough such as this suggests that if bacteria on Earth could survive temperatures this low, then certainly organisms outside of What we consider to be the inhabitable temperature zone could certainly adapt and survive on distant moons or dwarf planets. Mars, the fourth and last Solar terran planet, could hold, or have held, life on its surface. Recent study of an ancient meteorite strengthens this theory. â€Å"The meteorite†¦ is made of igneous rock that solidified about 4. 5 billion years ago at the time that Mars formed. About 3. 6 billion years ago globules of carbonate minerals were deposited in cracks in the rock. The carbonate minerals may have been deposited when liquid water seeped into the cracks. The impact of an asteroid or comet on Mars 16 million years ago ejected the rock from Mars into interplanetary space. About thirteen thousand years ago the rock fell into the Antarctic ice fields as a meteorite. †(Fix) This meteorite was carefully studied for two years, revealing several different types of evidence of primitive life on the red planet. â€Å"Another piece of evidence was the discovery of inorganic compounds like iron sulfides that can be produced by bacteria and other terrestrial organisms. The most dramatic evidence, however, is tiny structures in the carbonate globules that resemble microscopic fossils of ancient terrestrial bacteria. (Fix) Life may be closer than we think, but it also may have died out eons ago when the liquid water on the surface of Mars seemingly refused to stay in liquid form any longer. Titan, or Saturn VI, the largest Moon of Saturn, and second largest moon in the Solar System, seems promising for handling life. While being much cooler than our own planet, again, organisms that live there could adapt to the temperature, as well as atmospheric pressure it sustains; a pressure of 1. 6 bars, 60% than greater that of Earth. Titan’s atmosphere brings interesting points to itself because of its composition. Titan’s air is predominantly made up of nitrogen with other hydrocarbon elements which give Titan its orange hue. These hydrocarbon rich elements are the building blocks for amino acids necessary for the formation of life. Scientists believe that Titan’s environment may be similar to that of the Earth’s before life began putting oxygen into the atmosphere. †(Hamilton) This means that life on Titan has a potential to begin as it did theoretically on Earth, or could even have already even begun in very early stages, although these organisms would have to be highly resilient if they are anything like us. Titan’s surface temperature appears to be about -178 °C (-289 °F)†¦ scientists believe lakes of ethane exist that contain dissolved methane. Titan’s methane, through continuing photochemistry, is converted to ethane, acetylene, ethylene, and (when combined with nitrogen) hydrogen cyanide. The last is an especially important molecule; it is a building block of amino acids. †(Hamilton) Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is another highly considered candidate for life. Its surface is covered completely by a shell of ice, cracked and scarred by tidal forces deep beneath. The moon’s tidal forces â€Å"raise and lower the sea beneath the ice, causing constant motion and likely causing the cracks we see in images of Europa’s surface from visiting robotic probes. This â€Å"tidal heating†causes Europa to be warmer than it would otherwise be at its average distance of about 780,000,000 km (485,000,000 miles) from the sun, more than five times as far as the distance from the Earth to the sun. The warmth of Europa’s liquid ocean could prove critical to the survival of simple organisms within the ocean, if they exist. (HarveyBurdick) This ocean, thought to span globally â€Å"with more than twice the volume of Earth’s seas,†may have deep hidden secrets, â€Å"with conditions that might not be completely alien to some forms of life on Earth. Under its frozen crust, Europa may harbor the key ingredients required to create a habitable environment. †(Harvey) Europa’s closer, though still very far distan ce from the sun, along with what may be hidden in its ocean, make it possibly a better candidate for life within our own star system. One great physicist, Stephen Hawking, believes the possibility of life outside of our planet is too great to ignore. He jokes that â€Å"Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. †Although he is very fond of the theory of extraterrestrial beings, he does warn us heavily about them. â€Å"We should be careful if we ever happen upon extraterrestrial life†¦ Alien life may not have DNA like ours: ‘Watch out if you would meet an alien. You could be infected with a disease with which you have no resistance. What we normally think of as ‘life’ is based on chains of carbon atoms, with a few other atoms, such as nitrogen or phosphorous†¦ we can imagine that one might have life with some other chemical basis, such as silicon. †(dailygalaxy. com) Life to him seems undeniable in other parts of the universe, but he does suggest logically that it just may very likely not be like us. This theory is to be respected, because many p lanets and subterran objects may fall in every planetary guideline to support life, just not in the way we see it in ourselves. Life must exist elsewhere, whether it be out neighbor, next door or down the block, or whether it be outside of our closely knit family of planets, moons, asteroids, etc. It could host similar structure to our own, or be composed differently, and therefore could survive completely different conditions from our own. Simply put, it may be considered to be foolish to completely ignore the possibilities of any terran planet to sustain life, because life is almost certainly out there somewhere, and it may be the in last place we think to look. Works Cited Crowe, Micheal J. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate 1750-1900. Cambridge UP. 1986. Print. Fix, John D. Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2008. Print. Hamilton, Calvin J. â€Å"Views of the Solar System: Titan. †solarviews. com. Solarviews, 2011. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Hart, Stephan. â€Å"Bacteria: Survival in Siberia†astrobio. net. Astrobiology Magazine, 2002. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Harvey, Samantha and Autumn Burdick. â€Å"Solar System Exploration. †nasa. gov. NASA, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Stephen Hawking on the Possibility of Non-Carbon-Based Extraterrestrial Life. †dailygalaxy. com. The Daily Galaxy, 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. How to cite Possible Extra Terrestrial Life, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Matrix (1018 words) Essay Example For Students
The Matrix (1018 words) Essay The MatrixThe MatrixIn viewing the Matrix, a 1999 Warner Brothers/Village Roadshow Picture release, there are numerous references to philosophy portrayed in the movie. In analyzing the Matrix one will be able to see how Descartes Meditations on Methodic doubt, his Evil Genius Hypothesis, and Platos allegory of the cave are portrayed in this film. According to Descartes Meditation on methodic doubt he tries to achieve absolute certainty about the nature of everything. In order to acquire absolute certainty, Descartes must first lay a complete foundation of integrity on which to build up his knowledge. The technique that he uses to lay this foundation is doubt. Descartes starts by looking at our usual sources of truth such as physics, astronomy, and medicine. He looks at these truths and doubts them feeling that these are not reliable sources of truth because time shows that we are all eventually proven wrong, much in the same way that science has been proven wrong over the courses of history. In relation to the Matrix, the Matrix is ?everywhere.? According to Morpheus, the leader of the resistance, The Matrix is everywhere; it is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it as you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth (Matrix Movie). The truth that Morpheus speaks about is the truth that everyone in Neos world, including Neo has been born into slavery. They have been born into a ?prison? built for their mind. In regards to the meditations Morpheus is telling Neo that the world that he lives in is merely a false idea and should be doubted. However, telling Neo what the Matrix consists of is not enough. To fully understand what the Matrix is Neo will have to choose whether he wishes to learn about the Matrix or to believe what ever he wants to believe. Descartes methodic doubt can also be seen, as he doubts the senses. He considers the generally accepted view that our senses dependably report the absolute nature of reality, but discards the senses as a source of truth because of the dream argument, which states that there is no definite way of proving that you are either dreaming or that you are awake. Therefore it is possible that everything that we believe is false, making the senses an unreliable source. This dream argument can be seen in the beginning of the Matrix as Neo is told to ?wake up? by his computer. After ?waking? up, his computer tells him that ?the Matrix has you? he is confused with what is going on with his computer, the computer then continues to tell him to ?follow the white rabbit? and the conversation is then interrupted by someone knocking at his door. The person at his door is one of Neos clients making a deal with him for a computer disk in exchange for money. His client looks at Neo and tells him that he looks ?whiter? than usual. Neo still confused with what just happened to his computer says to his client have ?you ever had that feeling where youre not sure that your awake or still dreaming? (Matrix Movie). Neo here is confused with what is going on and does not know what is reality and what is a dream. Another instance in the Matrix that shows this argument is after Neo has taken the red pill from Morpheus and is getting ready to be transferred out of the Matrix. While getting ready to be transferred out of the Matrix into the real world, Neo touches a broken glass mirror and the glass from the mirror transforms to become part of his body. Neo questions what is happening to him and Morpheus tells Neo ?have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure it was real. What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference from the real world and the dream world(Matrix Movie) The glass is in the dream world and the fact that the glass is transforming to his body shows that the world that he thought of as the real world in actuality is the dream world. Descartes Evil Genius Hypothesis can also be seen in the Matrix. The hypothesis acknowledges the possibility of an all powerful, malicious being that is deceiving him about everything. This hypothesis in relation to the movie is the Matrix itself. The Matrix is made u p of computer simulations run by sentient computers or artificial intelligence (AI). The Matrix is the world that Neo believes is the real world. The AIs are running the world and are deceiving the people in this world by not showing them what the truth is by deceiving them in everything that they do. Platos allegory of the cave can also be seen in the Matrix. Platos theory is that we are like prisoners tied up on the floor of the cave. But we usually cannot see the cave itself, all we see are the shadows on the wall. Thus like the prisoner in Platos allegory that is freed and that goes and looks around, that also sees the cave and sees the fire burning which is producing the shadows inside the cave, Neo is like this prisoner in the cave and once freed from the Matrix he learns that these ?shadows? or the world that he thought was reality is being produced by the sentient computers. He sees now that he has been manipulated like a puppet through the Matrix. The Matrix is an excellent movie today that shows many deep insights into the philosophical world. The Matrix refers to many of Descartes meditations as well as Platonic overtones such as Platos Allegory of the cave. The Matrix shows an individual how you must question everything and that there are always two sides to a coin. 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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on The Revelation In OConnors Revelation
The Revelation in O’Connor’s Revelation Cultural studies, as applied to literary criticism, states that the works that come out of a certain region are inherently tied to the socioeconomic and culturalistic values of that region. The Southern United States is generally said to be one of the more historically religious areas of the country. It is no surprise that Flannery O’Connor’s works would deal with ideas of good and evil, right and wrong, and more importantly Christianity and the role it plays in the Southern United States. In examining her short story Revelation, it will become apparent that O’Connor’s Christian upbringing and the moral beliefs that came with it both remained with, and at times tormented her. Growing up in a southern religious family there is no doubt that Flannery O’Connor knew the intricacies of her family’s religion. Being raised a Southern Baptist, who would later convert to Catholicism; O’Connor would let religion play a major role in her live, and as the old saying goes, â€Å"A good writer writes what they know,†so went O’Connor. Revelation gives the reader insight into exactly how O’Connor feels about her religious convictions, but more importantly about the masses that attended the Sunday sermons. While there are those who objected to how O’Connor portraits the Christian religion in her writings, she herself writes of this, â€Å"The stories are hard, but they are hard because there is nothing harder or less sentimental than Christian realism†(Polter). This statement from O’Connor gives insight into what she felt while writing Revelation. The Christian realism that O’Connor speaks, of is her observations of those people who go to church on Sundays but the rest of the week forget what being a Christian is supposed to mean. In order to illustrate her point, O’Connor uses the character of Mrs. Turpin as a means to give the reader an example of the problem she se... Free Essays on The Revelation In O'Connor's Revelation Free Essays on The Revelation In O'Connor's Revelation The Revelation in O’Connor’s Revelation Cultural studies, as applied to literary criticism, states that the works that come out of a certain region are inherently tied to the socioeconomic and culturalistic values of that region. The Southern United States is generally said to be one of the more historically religious areas of the country. It is no surprise that Flannery O’Connor’s works would deal with ideas of good and evil, right and wrong, and more importantly Christianity and the role it plays in the Southern United States. In examining her short story Revelation, it will become apparent that O’Connor’s Christian upbringing and the moral beliefs that came with it both remained with, and at times tormented her. Growing up in a southern religious family there is no doubt that Flannery O’Connor knew the intricacies of her family’s religion. Being raised a Southern Baptist, who would later convert to Catholicism; O’Connor would let religion play a major role in her live, and as the old saying goes, â€Å"A good writer writes what they know,†so went O’Connor. Revelation gives the reader insight into exactly how O’Connor feels about her religious convictions, but more importantly about the masses that attended the Sunday sermons. While there are those who objected to how O’Connor portraits the Christian religion in her writings, she herself writes of this, â€Å"The stories are hard, but they are hard because there is nothing harder or less sentimental than Christian realism†(Polter). This statement from O’Connor gives insight into what she felt while writing Revelation. The Christian realism that O’Connor speaks, of is her observations of those people who go to church on Sundays but the rest of the week forget what being a Christian is supposed to mean. In order to illustrate her point, O’Connor uses the character of Mrs. Turpin as a means to give the reader an example of the problem she se...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Social Networking Profile Quotations
Social Networking Profile Quotations On social networking sites, make a profile that leaves a lasting impression. If your profile is drab, nobody will be interested in you. But with a super-cool profile, you can draw all the attention. Use these cool profile quotes to carve a unique identity for yourself. Cool profile quotes add zing to your emails too. Quotes for Social Media Profiles Stupidity: Bertrand RussellThe trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.God: Benjamin FranklinFear God, and your enemies will fear you.Time: Benjamin FranklinEmploy thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure.Stupidity: Elbert HubbardGenius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.Love: Benjamin FranklinIf you would be loved, love and be lovable.Laughter: Irish ProverbA good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctors book.Work: Edgar BergenHard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?Stupidity: Bill CosbyA word to the wise aint necessary its the stupid ones that need the advice.Life: Oscar WildeWe are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.Life: JRR TolkienAll who wander are not lost.Prejudice: William JamesA great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.Supernatural: Elbert HubbardThe supernatural is the natural not ye t understood. Humor: Mark TwainThere are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.Opportunity: Ralph Waldo EmersonEvery wall is a door.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Pharmacy Technician Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pharmacy Technician Experience - Essay Example This experience proved that the field of Pharmacy is multifaceted that a mere experience would not suffice to satisfy the professional demand of pharmacy. I have decided to pursue a doctorate degree in Pharmacy to competently respond to the demands of the profession both in the practical as well as scientific aspect of the job. For the short term, I am interested to further my knowledge in the practical aspect of pharmacy by engaging in the retail and hospital environments with the long term objective of becoming a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. Obtaining my Doctor of Pharmacy will not only provide me with the competence in the field of research but will also provide the rare privilege of being a trusted member in my profession as well as community. This knowledge, experience and trust however must be earned especially in the demanding field of pharmacy particularly if one is to pursue a doctorate
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Vietnam War 19641975 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Vietnam War 19641975 - Essay Example The Viet Minh finally came to total power in 1975, after thirty four years of struggle and war, when they unified Vietnam as a single independent communist country after driving out the Americans and the French. France ruled almost all of Indochina from late 1800s and World War II. Many French colonists who built their own plantations on peasant land for own gain, experienced growing unrest among Vietnamese peasants. France reacted brutally by further decreasing freedom of speech and assembly by arresting protestors. However, these actions were unsuccessful and unrest continued to increase. Many revolutionaries escaped to China. In 1924, the Vietnamese started to organize under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh. Minh created the Indochinese Communist Party in 1930. Throughout the 30s, Minh led Vietnam's growing independence movement from exile in the Soviet Union and China. However, a new enemy became involved. In 1940, Vietnam was invaded by Japan. The next year, Vietminh was formed under the guidance of Minh. Its goal was to gain independence from foreign rule. After Japan was defeated by Allies in 1945, Minh's goal seemed to be fulfilled. On September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent nation. In 1956, a free elec... Thinking this could lead to trouble, South Vietnam's president Ngo Dinh Diem, a strong anti-Communist, refused to take part in the election. America thought Ho Chi Minh's popularity might result in a victory for him and also wanted the election to cancel. Eisenhower gave military aid to Diem for a stable reform government in the South. Diem, however, broke his promise. He crushed any opposition and distributed little land. Diem, a Catholic, also restricted Buddhist practices. Buddhist cleric were killed or imprisoned and temples destroyed. Many Buddhists protested by burning themselves to death. By 1957, a Communist rebel known as the Vietcong was organized. They attacked the Diem government by assassinating government officials. Supported by Minh, Vietcong received military arms via network of paths along borders of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia called the Ho Chi Minh Trail. South Vietnam becomes less stabled, but Eisenhower administration did almost nothing. John Kennedy entered the White House in 1961. Criticized for being "soft" on Communism, Kennedy sent more financial aid to Diem's regime and military advisers to train South Vietnamese troops. Meanwhile, Diem's popularity dropped significantly because of corruption and failure to respond to calls for land reform. (Ang, 311) To fight the Vietcong, Diem initiated the strategic hamlet program by moving all villagers to protected areas. Yet, many Vietnamese resented being moved from their home village. In 1950, the United States officially recognized the Saigon government, and to help out, President Truman sent troops over to train the South Vietnamese on how to use U.S. weapons while the French and North Vietnamese were building up their forces. In the spring of 1954, the North Vietnamese attacked a
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights - A Truly Romantic Novel Essay
Wuthering Heights - A Truly Romantic Novel  Wuthering Heights embodies the idea of a classical Romantic novel.  Written at a time when the novel was just becoming a popular form of entertainment/writing Wuthering Heights employs many of the typical elements of the Romantic writers. There are elements of innovative experimentation in subject, form, and style, a mixing of genre's, use of powerful emotions, and several traits that could also classify Wuthering Heights as a "Dark" Romantic piece. The "Dark" Romanticism is revealed within the strange/ non-normative story, super-natural elements, and the Gothic setting.             When originally printed the author of WH (Emily Bronte under the pseudonym Ellis Bell) was widely criticized for authoring a piece of work with such blatant tones of mental disturbance. One reviewer, compared Wuthering Heights to Jane Eyre saying that, "Wuthering Heights casts a gloom over the mind that is not easily dispelled" (WH 300) while Jane Eyre manages to provide some cathartic element that offers its reader a release. While, obviously not loved by all, the subject matter of WH was new and unique to the time, offering a break from the traditional literary works such as Paradise Lost or Gulliver's Travels that often included a strong underlying moral or political message.             The book also possesses a unique style; it is a story within a story. Lockwood is the narrator that has direct contact with the audience while Nellie Dean is carries the bulk of the tale, though she never directly conveys information to the readers. Most stories, before Wuthering Heights, had a single narrator, typically a first person account, that walked the readers through the story... ...ce as reflected by the time it was written. One reviewer criticized it for its lack of realistic elements saying that a "few glimpses of sunshine would have increased the reality of the picture and given strength rather than weakness to the whole" (WH 300). Unfortunately these could be very realistic pieces of a person's life if they were to fall in love with the wrong person in that time. Revenge is also a predominant theme; perhaps few people would be so willing to take it as far as Heathcliff but the general theme is very realistically inspired.  Works Cited Damrosch, David, et al., ed. The Longman Anthology of British Literature: Vol. B. Compact ed. New York: Longman - Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Norton Critical ed. 3rd ed. Ed. William M. Sale, Jr., and Richard J. Dunn. New York: W. W. Norton, 1990.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Prince Sports
Prince Market Analysis As the sport continues to experience growth due to the younger interest, Prince has created its own death warrant because it fails to see how it can create a positive and lasting strong hold in a market that has seen a recent upswing. One of the things that sticks out the most to me was the amount of time it took for Prince to realize its superior position in the niche market of tennis and other racket designated sports, I can’t grasp the idea that Prince was not already a major contender in the market.As the sports world is going through a makeover with sport phenoms seeking commercial backing, Prince has assured itself through social networking and sponsorship of young talented athletes is a way to snare young and upcoming players, pro or not. But, this very same issue can be seen as a down fall as well, to either the competitor or Prince. If Prince misses one or two up and coming players, no harm; but potentially missing out on millions in sales would devastate a younger company, a younger company must be spot on in their choices.Every match, win or lose, the player is getting recognition from the media, never a down side to branding unless the athlete does not become the star once thought possible; get them while they are young and you will create a devoted consumer (fan). In my opinion, Prince failed to protect itself when they entered into the arena of hosting minor events. I feel this is their biggest mistake.By doing so the competition should be able to see that doing the very same thing and co-branding with accessorizing services and or products can create a dent in the growth Prince would have seen from their own venues. Reason being, Prince is only one company while there are millions of up and coming stars that are looking for the backing of a corporate sponsor that stands behind its product’s with stellar customer service and an unwavering and resilient front in research that pushes the game to the next level.Th is is the only saving factor that Prince can rely on to push back the low end producers of equipment and apparel. But, a company with the ability to create and research new methods of manufacturing, innovative and out of the box designing (product and advertising), would create not only a sizeable but growing market saturation by merely addressing the latter. A new and upcoming player is a walking billboard, that when touched with social media and any airtime, frenzy can ensue for the product line and or services sponsoring the young athlete.A young and new exciting player that has a bankable and commercial attitude can spawn millions in sales for the company that sponsored them prior to athletic stardom. This is where Prince failed to cover their†¦well let’s just say door! As a new and upcoming player seeks to lay waste to the competition and seek to better their own bottom line through securing ad time for a bevy of products that may or may not have anything to do with tennis. The competition has done two things by always being at the beckoning call of the up and coming billboard, I mean star.The most important thing, the branding of their product, each and every time a camera shot is taken at a competition, or an interview on ESPN after a match, the competition has assured itself a front row seat into the pockets of player’s novice and professional. Second, by assuring co-branding and sponsorship, a two prong social media attack can be placed on the efforts to grow market share and sustainability created by a dual marketing campaign lodged against Prince by the competitor and fellow co-sponsor of the athlete.Co-sponsorship and branding however also limits the exposure a company could have in backing a new and upcoming athlete. By splitting the cost needed to sponsor an athlete I would only assume the money could be positioned to assist in other areas of concern such as research or ad time. This is where Prince failed to see itself, which I see as a flaw in their approach to assure continued growth, even if a new competitor copied their same exact plan. The competitor would fail because Prince would have all or some of the major accessorizing companies already on board.Again, this would also assist with in-house needs for cash that could be pooled for other pressing issues. But even with this idea in place, Prince would have to reshape their departments to assist those that would need the authority to make decisions on the spot with good information without the input of groups that may slow the process. A new competitor would already have thought of because it would need to be nimble and quick to decide (with good information) when creating co-marketing agreements and scouting new talent.Any competitor can see that the grass root approach to introducing, researching, collaborating, and a well-executed marketing plan can easily remove Prince as a Juggernaut in the tennis arena. Prince left the back door open in anothe r arena as well. Social media is not a proprietary component and can cease to exist overnight if the public is no longer interested in it. This is where I think Prince left the door open and could be the second reason they fail to maintain growth. Having access to the needs and wants of a customer is the winning factor that all companies seek to gorge themselves on.A competitor would merely need to address the customer in a variety of ways. With the growth of the smartphone being the comparison of a personal computer and seen as a personal device like a toothbrush. A competitor merely needs to create a social platform that allows the consumer to be a part of the company through beta testing, questionnaires, sweepstakes, and other client building venues that assures growth for all involved because of the co-sponsoring and branding approach to introduce services and products; trending at its finest without the need to specialize.A competitor merely would have to create a smartphone ap plication and its own social media web based portal that can be reached via a plug-in to the most widely used social media networks. Novice to professional players would be a great form of information needed to create or improve a better product with little to no amount spent in collating ideas needed to assure sustainability and new growth as they carve into the juggernauts once strong hold on a growing sport.I do see however an avenue that could assure Prince an edge with the current dilemma which it faces; but it also comes with a problem. The problem; the window of opportunity is based upon accepting an outside infusion of creativity by creating a major annual event. Doing so would create more than what they currently have because of the vendors and or bigger companies that would want to be invited or pay for a chance to main stream their idea and or company at the annual event.I would assume that a bigger opportunity would be created as the media and social media networks for t he rights to air the event. It is my personal belief that Prince has become a sloth, slow and predictable. Its advantageous growth was due to an influx of new consumers, Price’s timing and position made it the lead in a once slow and dwindling sport. Prince’s obvious and monolithic stance does not provide it the nimble agility that an aggressive and blood thirsty competitor has when trying to grasp a growing market share that can dwindle away just as fast as it came.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
14 Ways to Write Better in High School
Whether youre putting together a research paper for class, posting a blog, composing your SAT essay or brainstorming for your college admissions essay, you just kind of need to know how to write. And sometimes, high school kids really struggle to get the words from their brain onto paper. But really, writing is not all that tricky. You should not break out in a cold sweat when your teacher announces an essay exam. You can write better in six minutes if you just use some of these tips to help you get the ideas that flow so easily from your mouth to do the same thing from your fingertips. Read on for 14 ways to write better essays, blogs, papers, the works! 1. Read Cereal Boxes Yep, cereal boxes, magazines, blogs, novels, the newspaper, ads, e-zines, you name it. If it has words, read it. Good writing will challenge you to up your game, and bad writing will help you learn what not to do. A variety of reading materials can influence you in subtle ways, too. Ads are often perfect examples of succinct, persuasive text. The newspaper will show you how to hook a reader in a few lines. A novel can teach you how to incorporate dialogue seamlessly into your essay. Blogs are great for demonstrating an authors voice. So, if its there, and youve got a second, read it. 2. Start a Blog/Journal Good writers write. A lot. Start a blog (maybe even a teen blog?) and advertise it all over Facebook and Twitter if youre interested in feedback. Start a blog and keep it quiet if youre not. Keep a journal. Report on things happening in your life/around school/ around your home. Try to solve daily problems with quick, one-paragraph solutions. Get started on some really unique creative writing prompts. Practice. Youll get better. 3. Open Up a Can of Worms Dont be afraid to get a little risky. Go against the grain. Shake things up. Tear apart the poems you find meaningless on your next essay. Research a touchy political subject like immigration, abortion, gun control, capital punishment, and unions. Blog about topics that generate real, heartfelt, impassioned discussion. You dont have to write about hummingbirds just because your teacher loves them. 4. To Thine Own Self Be True Stick with your own voice. Nothing sounds faker than a high school essay with words like alas and evermore sprinkled throughout, especially when the author is a skater kid from Fresno. Use your own wit, tone, and vernacular. Yes, you should adjust your tone and level of formality based on the writing situation (blog vs. research paper), but you dont have to become a different person just to put together your college admissions essay. Theyll like you better if youre you. 5. Avoid Redundancy Just drop the word nice from your vocabulary. It doesnt really mean anything. Same goes for good. There are thirty-seven better ways to say what you mean. Busy as a bee, sly as a fox, and hungry as a wolf belong in country songs, not in your ACT essay. 6. Keep Your Audience in Mind This goes back to adjusting your tone and level of formality based on the writing situation. If youre writing to gain entrance to your first choice for college, then perhaps youd better not talk about that time you made it to second base with your love interest. Your teacher is not interested in your sticker collection, and the readers on your blog dont care about the stellar research project you put together on the migratory habits of emperor penguins. Writing is one part marketing. Remember that if you want to be a better writer! 7. Go To the Dark Side Just for the heck of it, allow yourself to consider the possibility that the opposite opinion is actually correct. Write your next essay defending the 180 of your thought processes. If youre a Coke person, go Pepsi. Cat lover? Defend dogs. Catholic? Figure out what the Protestants are talking about. By exploring a different set of beliefs, you open up your brain to endless creativity, and maybe garner some fodder for your next debate, too. 8. Make It Real Boring writing doesnt use the senses. If your writing assignment is to report on the local parade and you fail to mention the shrieking kids, dripping chocolate ice cream cones, and rat-tat-tatting from the marching bands snare drum, then youve failed. You need to make whatever youre writing about come alive to your reader. If they werent there, put them on that street with the parade. Youll be a better writer for it! 9. Give People Goosebumps Good writing will make people feel something. Tie something concrete – relatable –to the existential. Instead of talking about justice as a vague idea, tie the word, judgment, to the sound the gavel makes as it hits the judges desk. Tie the word, sadness, to a young mother lying on her husbands freshly dug grave. Tie the word, joy to a dog careening around the yard when it sees its owner after two long years at war. Make your readers cry or laugh out loud at the coffee shop. Ticked off. Make them feel and theyll wanna come back for more. 10. Write Creatively When Youre Sleepy Sometimes, the inspiration bug bites when youre all strung-out from being up too late. Your mind opens up a bit when youre tired, so youre more likely to shut down the robot-I-am-in-control portion of your brain and listen to the whisper of the muses. Give it a whirl the next time youre struggling to get out of the gate on your take-home essay. 11. Edit When Youre Fully Rested Sometimes those late-night muses steer your writing vessel directly into a rocky shoreline, so dont make the mistake of calling your work done at 3:00 AM. Heck, no. Make time the next day, after a long, satisfying rest, to edit all of those ramblings and misspelled words. 12. Enter Writing Contests Not everyone is brave enough to enter a writing contest, and thats just silly. If you want to become a better writer, find some free writing contests for teenagers online and submit everything you wouldnt be embarrassed to see plastered all over the Internet. Often, contests come with editing or feedback, which can really help you improve. Give it a shot. 13. Dive Into Nonfiction Not all good writers write poetry, plays, scripts, and novels. Many of the most successful writers out there stick to nonfiction. They write memoirs, magazine articles, newspaper articles, blogs, personal essays, biographies, and advertisements. Give nonfiction a shot. Try describing the last five minutes of your day with startling clarity. Take the latest news report and write a two-paragraph description of the events as if you were there. Find the coolest person you know and write your next essay about his or her childhood. Write a two-word ad for the best pair of shoes in your closet. Try it – most of the good writers do!
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