Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie See You Again - 974 Words
â€Å"See You Again†Friends are one of the most important part of person s lives. They are the people which I can rely on. We’ve played and laughed together when we were in school. Middle school and high school are the most joyful time in my childhood. And time passed away quickly, the best group of friends separated all over the world. Sometimes, I really want to go back in time and see them again. However, life wouldn’t let me do so. There is one song that can express my feeling right now. It was â€Å"See you Again†by Wiz Khalifa. This song reminds me some of my happiest time in my life with my friends. The song â€Å"See you Again†is from the movie â€Å"fast and Furious 7†, the theme of the movie also want to express the important of friendships. I can see why they chose this song. Because the movie shows the protagonist can do everything for his friends without hesitation. The rap part of the song â€Å"I know we loved to hit the road and laugh. But something told me that it wouldn’t last,†hit right through in my feeling. The lyric simply means that there are limit between friendships. It wouldn’t be last forever. Time will eventually weaken it and ends it. Most of the time, I didn’t realized that people around me might left me in some day. I don’t really keep lots of the memories in my mind. Because I knew I can see them again Tomorrow. Sometimes, I felt happiness was inside my heart when we get around together. The happiest moments with them will always cheer me up when they flash upShow MoreRelatedEssay Arundel Partners Guidel ines922 Words  | 4 Pagescase, a movie industry analyst is asked to evaluate a proposed venture in which a group of partners would purchase the sequel rights to movies produced by the major studios. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Starbucks Innovation For Success - 1604 Words
Starbucks FruVe Innovation to Success Coffee is a traditional approach to beginning a day. There is a variety of coffee flavors that can be accompanied by condiments. Starbucks, a United States, based company recognized the complexity of coffee preferences. More recently, Starbucks has expanded their products to include more than breakfast pastry and coffee. For the more sophisticated, adventurous or urbane coffee connoisseur, there are flavorful drinks that can satisfy the diverse tastes of customers. Drinking coffee has become an art form that has been defined by the customer. With this, it is necessary to examine the innovation of a the newly developed product line, FruVe, in terms of the vision, mission, values, business model, and future aspirations. Starbucks Innovations Starbucks opened its first store in Seattle, Washington. In the beginning, they sold coffee beans and coffee equipment. Over time, the company was sold and repositioned to sell coffee beverages. With the new innovative company, the logo was changed to the current logo that is well known. The name Starbucks was taken from the first mate of Moby Dick (Starbucks, n.d.). With the success of Starbucks, it is a prime company to use for understanding the mechanisms of success. Innovation has been one of the keys to success for Starbucks. For this reason, the design products are healthy fruit and vegetable drinks made from high-quality ingredients. The product line FruVe is a protein power drink.Show MoreRelatedHow Starbucks Makes Innovation Work For Them775 Words  | 4 PagesInnovation as a Management Tool The theme â€Å"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee†best describes this successful Fortune 500 company (Starbucks Company, 2003). Starbucks is considered the world’s #1 specialty coffee retailer and falls into the category of being a successful fortune 500 company (Starbucks Company, 2003.). Operating more than 10,000 coffee shops throughout the United States (U.S.), with an additional 9,575 licensees and franchisees worldwide (Starbucks Company, 2003.), their innovative businessRead MoreThe Success of Starbucks808 Words  | 4 PagesThe success of Starbucks Starbucks was born in 1971 as a small coffee shop. With the management of Howard Schultz, Starbucks turned into a business legend and built a kingdom of coffee. It was dominate specialty-coffee brand in North America. By mid-2002, the company was serving 20 million unique consumers in more than 5000 stores all over the world. It developed at a very high speed. The gross profit of the company increased from 730.2 million to 1938.9 million in about 5 years (1998-2002). ItsRead MoreStarbucks Case Study Business Policy1042 Words  | 5 PagesReport Group STARBUCKS OVERVIEW Starbucks is the world’s most successful transnational coffeehouse. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Jeffersonian Era †Dbq Free Essays
Rinya Kamber AP US 3rd 10/10/11 Jeffersonian Era – DBQ The period between 1815 and 1825 was inaccurately dubbed the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings. †Despite the relatively low political opposition and boom of westward expansion and economy, bigger problems such as the economic bust as well as the differing beliefs of northern and southern states threatened the strength and unity of the nation during this time. After the war of 1812, the surge of nationalistic feelings took place, but, simultaneously, there were underlying forces of sectionalism. We will write a custom essay sample on Jeffersonian Era – Dbq or any similar topic only for you Order Now Economic and demographic expansion led to a positive, nationalistic view of the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings,†but also had its setbacks. As John C. Calhoun- a US representative who suggested the idea of federal funding for internal improvements- stated in 1817, â€Å"We are great, and rapidly- I was about to say fearfully- growing. This is out price and danger, our weakness and our strength. †One cause of this rapid growth was high foreign demands for American farm goods in 1819 due to the agricultural disruption Napoleon’s excursions were causing in Europe. While this sudden demand increase led to territorial expansion, it also dropped crop prices significantly and caused the US Bank to give out less loans, credit, and mortgages, causing an economic bust. Another nationalistic contributor to the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†was the growth of white settlement and trade in the west. Depicted by John Krimmel, American citizens’ festivities during the Fourth of July ceremony in 1819 clearly show that strong nationalistic awareness of the time. If one observes the density of population in 1820, it is clear that there is a surge of westward expansion into the Old Northwest and Old Southwest- especially after Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase in 1803. With Jackson’s victory in the Seminole War and the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819, Florida was now a US territory. All of these economic and demographic expansions added to the ‘good feelings’ during this particular time period. Not much political turmoil occurred initially, but there were many deeply-rooted issues that needed confrontation such as disputes between northern and southern states’ beliefs on government and slavery. Republican Monroe had little difficulty during the presidential election of 1820. With the decline of the Federalist Party, he faced no serious opposition. Then, with the election of 1824, support was dispersed and Jackson technically won both the Popular Vote as well as the Electoral Vote, as seen in the visual and informational comparative maps of the two elections. Yet, Adams took the Presidency anyway. Jacksonians resented this and therefore haunted Adams’ term in office, which led to the sectionalism occurring in the so-called â€Å"Era of Good Feelings. †Differences between northern and southern states also led to divisions. In the north, people favored a strong centralized government with an industrial economy whereas in the south, an agrarian society that gave more local power to the individual states was favored. These differences are clearly pointed out by John Randolph (a southerner) in 1816: â€Å"†¦favoring the manufacturers†¦while agriculturists bear the whole brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others run in the ring of pleasure, and fatten upon them. †Another issue dividing the states was the question of slavery. Jefferson described the â€Å"momentous question†as a â€Å"fireball in the night†¦a new irritation that will mark deeper and deeper. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed the new state to enter the Union under two circumstances: that Maine would also enter the union as a free state, keeping the balance, and that under the Tallmadge Agreement, restrictions on slavery would be put into play. Political disagreements, differences in northern and southern states’ beliefs, and issues that were aroused with the creation of new states all contributed to the growing sectionalism and are reason to believe that the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†was not such a good era after all. How to cite Jeffersonian Era – Dbq, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Mental Health Nursung Individual Case Study
Question: Describe about the Case Study for Mental Health Nursung Individual. Answer: Introduction Anorexia nervosa commonly known as Anorexia is a serious eating disorder that affects both genders and people of all ages. It is characterized by features like lack of healthy body weight, fear of gaining weight, distorted body image and desire to be thin. The victims of this condition mostly see themselves as overweight even when they are underweight (Sari, 2011; Attia E, 2013). They often weigh themselves, do excessive exercise, eat small amounts of food or not eat at all with the aim of extreme thinness of their body (Sari, 2011). Anorexia is of two types i.e. restricting type whereby the victims restrict themselves from eating certain foods and the purging type whereby the victims lose weight by excessive vomiting or use of laxatives and diuretics. Risk Factors for the Case Study Weighing issues-She carefully removes all her clothes and shoes before she weighs herself besides being so careful about the accuracy of the weighing machine. This means that she has the desire to know her weight and want it to be perfect. This is a psychological type of risk whereby she is affected emotionally in case things go as unplanned. Bad eating habits-Lindsay has a schedule for taking only water and orange juice every day but not for eating any food. Besides needing water, the body also needs food for it to be strong and healthy but Lindsay is not giving her body that. This is a characteristic associated with individuals undergoing the condition of Anorexia Nervosa whereby the person eats very little or does not eat at all with an aim of reducing body size. They may even undergo starvation for that reason. This definitely shows that Lindsay want to reduce her body size and go to any lengths to get that (Rikani et al., 2013). Extreme exercising-According to Lindsays parents, exercise is important for body healthiness but according to Lindsay its a way of losing weight. She jogs every morning for two hours and takes her exercising sections very serious such that in case one entered the room she would not stop. This shows how much she may not love or appreciate her body size and therefore determined in losing the body weight to attain the size she desires (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2013). Self-expression problems- According to the interviewee, Lindsay is unable to describe herself when she is asked to do so and instead she claims that she is overweight. When asked to talk about her diet she gives a two word answer, its normal. The claim of feeling overweight even when you are underweight is a risk factor associated with Anorexia. This clearly shows that Lindsay has got problems with her body size and she would so much like to change it. 2: Data That Supports the Inference Client Is Suffering From an Eating Disorder She is at her puberty age i.e. 15yrs A lot of weight loss for a short period of time i.e. 40lbs in one year The client has limited social life i.e. she is lonely The client is underweight but claims she is overweight i.e. weighing 90lbs at 15years of age. She is experiencing some times of constipation. Loss of periods for a while i.e. 5 months Has developed eating disorders i.e. no food but drink water and orange juice at specific times of the day. She insists on unpacking before talking to her interviewee and she arranges her clothes and personal items perfectly i.e. perfectionism. She has difficulty in expressing her feelings i.e. when she is asked about her diet she gives short answers, its normal and when asked to describe herself she says she is overweight. Her parents are divorced which shows there may be problems in her family relations that is why she lives with her mother and sees her father only once per month. She jogs for two hours every day and does extreme exercise 3: Differences between Anorexia and Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa is a condition which is caused by increased self-starvation with an aim to reduce body weight of approximately 15% or more of the normal body weight while Bulimia Nervosa are usually already at normal body weight (Nolen S, 2014) In Bulimia, patients are must undergo compulsory purging, a cycle of diet and binge-eating in order to reduce gain during weight loss (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2013). I.e. they are more conscious and less controlling of the weight loss process while in Anorexia the diagnosis exceeds that of Bulimia i.e. the patients assume complete control of the weight loss process (Nolen S, 2014). 4: Relationship Between Body image is the physical view of a persons body shape and size e.g. thin Need for control means the obligation or necessity to take over or lead. Eating disorders means bad eating habits e.g. eating so little or not eating at all. The three are related in a way that an individual with a dissatisfying body size or shape will take a step ahead and take control of her eating habits which may lead to development of eating disorders for them to attain the size or shape they desire (NIMH, 2015). This relationship is applicable in this case study where by Lindsay Smith doesnt seem to love her body size and so she takes the responsibility of exercising frequently and not eating at all but instead taking water and orange juice only. 5: Development of Outcomes and Their Importance Ability to tolerate her feelings-The client should be able to accept and tolerate their feelings and especially the negative ones (NIMH, 2015) e.g. feeling of being overweight. By doing this the client will notice that Anorexia is not solely an eating disorder condition and by tolerating her feelings she will be in position to control her eating disorders. Change her mind setting-With the client having the desire to insist in perfectionism (good performer, arranges her clothes and personal items perfectly) it means that she is giving in to the symptoms of Anorexia. So she should try to feel normal and make mistakes whenever and wherever she fail to be right and this will help her to always feel satisfied, worthy and helpful whenever she can. Develop healthier eating habits-Lindsay should not glue herself to not eating or eating little food and drinking water and orange juice at certain times of the day. Instead she should try and start eating more healthy food than ever before and let go the rules especially with the help of a nutritionist or dietician (Marzola E, 2013; Satherley R, et al 2015). Self-appreciation-Lindsay may not be appreciating herself especially her body and thats why she takes the steps to reduce her body weight. She should learn to try and accept her body just as she naturally is and at long last she may end up loving herself too which is a very value in a persons life. 6: Nursing Interventions to Assist With Discharge Ensure that a plan is in place to meet the needs of the patient after they are discharged which includes eating times, medication hours, therapy among others (Halmi, 2013). Should implement and teach the patient techniques and strategies that will help them cope with anxiety and be able to have self-control (Singleton, Joanne K. 2014). Ensure that the prognosis, disease process and treatment is well understood by the patient before its all done and before discharge (Goldier et al., 2014). Ensuring that the patient know and understand the side effects of the disease and more so the medication give to them (Quick et al., 2013). 7: Biases on Adolescence and Eating Disorders The value of thin bodies- Most of the adolescents of the modern society seem to value and desire thin bodies especially for the ladies and this has led into using even drugs to get what they want (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014). This certainly makes their ideas differ from what I would teach. Effect by Western Culture-In most of the Western countries thin bodies and masculine bodies for ladies and gentlemen respectively are viewed as a source of beauty. This therefore make those without to desire that and therefore hard to change their minds and thinking. Peer Pressure- This comes about when most of the adolescents who surround each other are of a certain body shape or size but one is different. They most probably prefer a certain body size and term it as the best and so this disorients the one who is different (Herpertz-Dahlmann, 2013). Its hard to change the minds of such groups or believes (Herpertz-Dahlmann, 2013). References Arcelus J, Witcomb G L, Mitchell A. (2014, March). Prevalence of Eating Disorders Amonst Dancers:A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Eating Disorders Review :The journal of the Eating Disorders association, 22(2), 92-101. Goldier L R, Park R J. (2014). Compulsivity in Anorexia Nervosa:A Transdiagnostic Concept. Front Psychology, 5, p. 778. Halmi K A. (2013). Perplexities of Treatment Resistance in Eating Disorders. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 292. Herpertz-Dhlmann B, Buhren K, Remschmidt H. (2013). Growing up is Hard:Mental disorders in adolescence. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 110, pp. 432-439. Marzola E, Nasser J A, Hashim S A, Shih P A, Kaye W H. (2013). Nutritional Rehabilitation in Anorexia Nervosa. 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